By booking with us, you understand and appreciate:

  • Your coach is not a licensed counselor and their coaching services are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions.

  • All coaching sessions will start at the scheduled time, even if the client is delayed.

  • If a coaching session has to be cancelled for any other reason other than an emergency, this will result in the surrender of that session. It is important to ensure your development is a high priority.

  • You are fully responsible for your well-being during your coaching sessions, and subsequently, including your choices and decisions associated with the activities assigned for personal reflection.

  • Furthermore, in your coaching session, your coach may offer their insight and suggest a range of strategies or resources. However, it's important to remember that you are responsible for your decisions and actions, and the coach cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from any action, or inaction, on your part.

  • Your coach will always protect your information as confidential. If you report child, elder abuse or neglect or threaten to harm yourself or someone else, you understand that necessary actions will be taken and your confidentiality agreement is limited in this capacity. Furthermore, if your Coach is ordered by a court to provide information or to testify, they will do so to the extent the law requires.

  • Your coach is not an expert in legal or financial matters and cannot provide specific advice in those areas. The focus of this coaching relationship is to guide and empower you to explore and make informed decisions on your own. It is important to seek advice from qualified professionals in the relevant field and always exercise sound judgment.

  • Your coach will, to the best of their ability, do what they can to help you achieve your goals through Bible-based, Holy Spirit-led guidance.

For more information or if you have additional questions, please contact us at equipped2thrive@gmail.com