equip intensiveS


Join us for our upcoming Equip Intensive, "Establish", this August for a season of growth and transformation. This is the perfect opportunity for those seeking to upgrade their foundations, deepen their intimacy with God and gain practical insights for a wholehearted life of authenticity. Do you desire to live with radical joy and peace, and make a difference in the world around you? This season is for you!

for the upcoming 'Establish' Equip Intensive

Registrations now closed. New session coming soon


Are you ready to take your spiritual growth to the next level? Read about each of our Spirit-led discipleship intensives and choose the one that grabs your heart - you can't go wrong with which one.

Each will guide you on a journey of intimacy with Jesus to understand your identity and authority, and activate the passion and purpose in your life.



for a tailored Equip Intensive season when it suits you


If you have been through any of our Equip Intensive seasons, we invite you to take advantage of this special offer.

We've curated a special coaching package for those who would like to go deeper with any of the course topics, or really feel the invitation from the Spirit to hone in on any beliefs, or patterns that were highlighted in your intensive.

A special Coaching Package

Authenticity is your most precious commodity as a leader.

- Marcus Buckingham


Authenticity is all about being your true, unique, genuine self. It starts with knowing who you are. By understanding our identity, purpose, and mission, we learn our true selves. Hypocrisy, insincerity, and imitation are the opposite of authenticity. There is so much pressure to conform to unattainable standards right now, but we are called to transformation by Christ.

New season opens - Aug 2024

2 women sitting on black chair
2 women sitting on black chair



It takes character and true bravery to live with wholehearted authenticity
because as we strive to grow, we are inevitably faced with obstacles that confirm and strengthen our identity and our ability to live it out. But it's worth the rub! Living authentically means we walk in moral authority and Christ-like character, meaning we can trust ourselves, and we allow others to trust us and follow us confidently, since they are certain of this one fact: 'what I see, is what I get!'.

You will receive:

  • Access to the present 'Establish' season (starting August 31) and the 'Thrive community" of empowering believers on the same journey.

  • OR bring your own group of close friends/family for a private 'Establish' learning adventure together at a time that is convenient to you.

  • Weekly group video sessions outlining the current topic with creative activations to engage with your thrive community.

  • Weekly guided triad activations and Independent reflective tasks.

  • 2 x Personalized 1:1 Coaching sessions

  • A beautiful workbook full of helpful resources and powerful tools for the journey.

  • VIP access to Nurture, a tailored, discounted coaching package exclusive to Equip Intensive alumni.

What you will learn:

  • Hear the voice of God about who you are.

  • Take back your authentic, God-given nature.

  • Live without pretense or self-doubt and embrace your identity.




  • The practice of God's presence.

  • Tools to keep your eyes on Him and come in out of the anxiety-fueling pace of the world.

  • Supernatural keys from the saints of old.

  • Inner unity: the idea of consistency between thought, word & action.

  • Cultivate wholeness by receiving His love.

  • Know/live who you truly are so that you can live with passion & purpose

Coming soon

A greater awareness of your beliefs about God, yourself, folks around you and the circumstances you're facing.

Discover a new level of breakthrough and belonging through the lavish love of God in our upcoming module. Lavish is all about taking the time to truly understand and live out what God says about you and your life. This season is perfect for you if you're seeking:

To trade guilt, fear, and shame for freedom, peace, and joy.

Tools to align your beliefs with God's truth, build healthy relationships and examine common roadblocks that prevent us from experiencing genuine connection with others.

New perspectives, and the practical tools and strategies, to help break through any barriers to growth; limiting beliefs or behaviors that have been holding you back, so you can experience new levels of freedom and peace.

A sense of belonging and the support you need to thrive in a community of individuals who share your vision for growth and transformation.


New season opening Feb 2025


Learn how to thrive in every area of your life as you stay connected to Jesus, remove negative influences, and cultivate a healthy heart. It is all about the beautiful growth; the glory and power that flow from a heart vitally connected and deeply aware of His presence every step of the way. Flourish is perfect if you're seeking:

A conscious awareness of God's presence in every far-flung pocket of your heart.

Practical tools for establishing habitual, daily communion so you can experience the ravishing fullness of the great lover of your soul.

Elevated perspectives and expectation; an upgrade in your leadership as you learn to lead from a place of encounter.

Connection with other hungry, passionate leaders and the encouragement and support you need to press in for breakthrough.

Coming soon

Greater insight into the power, the purpose and the lasting impact a truly Spirit-led life experiences.

New season opening mid-2024